Prayers for those with Lung Cancer

Cancer Comfort Card Dedication: 

Ken Weber is a joy of a man. He never enters a room, he enters the lives of the people in the room. He wants you to know that in 2008 when he was diagnosed with lung cancer, he knew it was a gift from God because it drew him closer to God. When he was rediagnosed, he knew God had given him a gift again. Join us in praying this prayer for Ken and all those coping with lung cancer.

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It’s their breath. Cancer has attacked their lungs and is striving to take away their breath, their vitality and their life. We call on you, our mighty warrior, to conquer cancer in every person facing lung cancer. 

You know each person with lung cancer.

You see each cancer spot on their lungs.

You feel each one of their precious breaths.

So, as you did with Adam, breathe life into all lung cancer patients. Breathe your strength, your courage and your wholeness into them so cancer becomes a distant memory never to inflict them again.

You are all powerful in all things and so we humbly place this prayer into your mighty hands. Your will be done.

In your name we pray, AMEN


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